industrial automation




        Activity &

- System division
- Systems & automation
- Planning & software

- Abrasive division  New
Mipro put 45 years of established experience in the industrial automation field at your disposal, ensuring a customized high quality and reliable product and service.

The spirit of innovation and the constant technological evolution lead to the realization of complex plants in many production sectors, as well as minor systems at low costs.

We think that the involvement in the production process of our collaborators and their development make up the best conditions for the success of any project. At present our staff is composed by 40 people divided in the various departments.

To our group belongs also the Company Elettroquadri, which realizes distribution panels, industrial plants and wiring connections. We are able to offer a complete service starting from the feasibility study and continues with the realization of the project, up to extending to the plant installation and a prompt after sale service.

Our target is the full satisfaction of our customers and their loyalty, as shown by our decades customers portfolio.

Mipro s.r.l. - Offices: via Terni, 2 - Receiving Goods: via Novati, 10 VAREDO - (MB) - Tel. 0362 57.11.33 - Fax 0362 57.11.35
P.IVA: IT02851150967 - Cod. Fisc: 09237820155 - R.E.A. Milano 1292571 - Cap.soc.: 46.800,00 euro - PRIVACY