digital tools DF series




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digital tools DF series

digital tools DF series

Dimensions (mm): 24x96, 48x48, 48x96, 72x72, 96x96, 144x144, 70x60, 90x80, 127x109
To be used as:
  • ammeters
  • voltmeters
  • power factor meters
  • frequencymeters
  • wattmeters
  • varmeters
  • countermeters
  • RPM meters
  • dc. and a.c. level measures
digital tools DF series
digital tools DF series
Dimensions (mm): 24x96, 48x48, 48x96, 72x72, 96x96
At: 3- 31/2 - 41/2 - digit, bargraph
To be used as: ammeters, voltmeters, power factor meters, frequencymeters, wattmeters, varmeters, countermeters, RPM meters, dc. and ac. level measures with relay threshold and in-output signals
digital tools DF series
A sole instrument for many kind of reading and functions to be selected from the front: A.C./D.C. voltages, A.C./D.C. currents, frequencies, speeds, dispiacements, temperatures, math calculus, thresholds, peak memories, analog outputs, serial communication RS 485/422, etc.

Range: up fo 20.000 ampere
Reading: 60, 100, 15OmV

Primary current: up fo 15.000 ampere
Secondary current: 1÷5 ampere

Primary voltage: 110-600 V
Secondary voltage: 100 V

Primary current: 0,5÷20A
Secondary current: 5A

Mipro s.r.l. - Offices: via Terni, 2 - Receiving Goods: via Novati, 10 VAREDO - (MB) - Tel. 0362 57.11.33 - Fax 0362 57.11.35
P.IVA: IT02851150967 - Cod. Fisc: 09237820155 - R.E.A. Milano 1292571 - Cap.soc.: 46.800,00 euro - PRIVACY